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Affidavit of Loss

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Acknowled Receipt

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Authority to Sell

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Earnest Money

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Promissory Note


Renovation Contract

General Power of Atty

Special Power of Atty

Transfer of Rights

Last Will & Testament

This Promissory Note is free to copy, edit and revise for personal use but to for reprinting or republishing. We advice visitors to always seek legal advice before entering or executing a legal document.

A Promissory Note is a legal document in the Philippines whereupon the Maker makes a formal acknowledgement of an obligation to pay and is only extinguished upon full payment. If a borrower fails to pay, the lender may reposes any collateral put up or may file a civil case in court against the maker of the note. A FREE downloadable and editable MS Word version can be found at the bottom of this page.


I, _____________________________, Filipino, of legal age, single/married to ____________________ and a resident of ________________________________________ for value received, hereby acknowledge my indebtedness to ______________________________.

I promise to pay the amount of PESOS: _______________________ (Php___________) on or before ____________________ without a need of a demand.

I understand and agree to pay ______% interest per month/year starting from the date indicated on this Promissory Note until full payment.

Name & Signature of Maker


Witnesses: _________________________ _______________________________


________________________) SS.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, this _______day of ________________, personally appeared:

Name of Maker_________________ CTC #_____________Date/Place Issued______________

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this______ day of ___________, 20_____.

Notary Public
Doc. No. ........;
Page No. .......;
Book No. .......;
Series of 20__.


Sample of Promissory Note FREE editable Promissory Note in MS Word Format:
Promissory Note.docx

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