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Affidavit of Loss

General Affidavit

Acknowled Receipt

Acknowled of Debt

Affidavit of Desistance

Authority to Sell

Contract to Sell

Chattel Mortgage

Contract of Lease

Deed of Assignment

Deed of Donation

Deed of Sale-Property

Deed of Sale-Vehicle

Earnest Money

Offer to Buy

Promissory Note


Renovation Contract

General Power of Atty

Special Power of Atty

Transfer of Rights

Last Will & Testament
This Earnest Money Receipt is only a sample. You are free to copy and revise this form but not to re-publish. Change the dates and all other items accordingly. Consult with a lawyer before entering into any agreement or executing any legal document.





Received from (Name of Buyer) with postal address at ( Address), the sum of  (Amount in Words) (P 000,000.00) covered by ABC Bank, check # 00000000 dated January 1, 20__ representing EARNEST MONEY for payment of a Two-Story house and lot located at (Address of Property) covered by T.C.T. No. T-00000.


This EARNEST MONEY forms part of the purchase price of (Amount in words) (P 0,000,000.00). The balance and full payment shall be paid on or before __________________, 20____.


The BUYER hereby reserves the exclusive right to purchase the aforementioned property on a "as is" basis and the SELLER cannot offer the aforementioned property to any third party until _______________________, 20___.


Upon full payment, the SELLER shall execute a DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE in favor of the BUYER, conveying the subject property with full warranty of a legal and valid Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) as provided by law, free and clear from any liens and encumbrances.


Upon execution of the DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE, the SELLER shall undertake the payment of the Capital Gains Tax. The BUYER shall shoulder the payment of the Documentary Stamps Tax, Transfer Tax, Registration Fee and all other expenses to transfer the title of the property under his name.


In case of voluntary cancellation of this agreement by the BUYER without any cause on the part of the SELLER or if the BUYER fails to comply with his obligations mentioned, then the SELLER shall have the right to terminate this agreement in which case the EARNEST MONEY in the amount of (Amount in words) (P 000,000.00) shall be forfeited in favor of the SELLER as liquidated damages.



January 1, 20_____



              (SELLER)                                               (BUYER)              

Signature over Printed Name               Signature over Printed Name




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