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Affidavit of Loss

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Authority to Sell

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Chattel Mortgage

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Earnest Money

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Promissory Note


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General Power of Atty

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Transfer of Rights

Last Will & Testament
Legal Form Note: The example below is an Affidavit of Loss of a Vehicle Certificate of Registration, you can change this form to a Loss of Driver's License or of any other item that you may have lost by changing the information. Remove the textbox if not necessary.






_____________________________ ) S.S. 



I, (Name of Affiant)., Filipino, of legal age, residing at (Address of Affiant), after having been sworn in accordance with law hereby depose and state:


That I am the true and lawful owner of a certain motor vehicle which is more particularly described as follows:


MAKE              :

MOTOR NO.              :

SERIES            : 



PLATE NO.                :


FILE NO.                   :




(Remove the table above if the item lost is not a vehicle certificate of registration & change the declaration below to suit your actual circumstances.)


          That sometime in June of this year, I was looking for the original Certificate of Registration of my car but to my surprise, said Owner’s original Copy could not found;


          That I took pains to look for said Certificate of Registration, but to no avail;


          That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and to request from the Land Transportation Office of Angeles City, a copy of said Certificate of Registration.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ day of _______________. 20___ at _________________________.



(Name Over Signature of Affiant)



          SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this ____ day of ______________, 20___ in ___________________ City, with affiant exhibiting his CTC No. _______________ ,

Issued on ______________________ at _________________________.



                                                                      NOTARY PUBLIC

                                                                 Until December 31, 20___


Doc.  No. :  ________;

Page  No. :  ________;

Book No. :  ________;

Series of 20_______.



Sample of Affidavit of Loss of Vehicle Registration:

Affidavit of Loss Sample


This Sample Affidavit of Loss of Cell Phone/SIM Card may be Revised indicate Loss of any item e.g. Wallet, Credit Card, Driver's License, ID, Money, Bag, etc.

Sample Affidavit of Loss

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