Free Philippines Legal Forms and Contracts Banner

Affidavit of Loss

General Affidavit

Acknowled Receipt

Acknowled of Debt

Affidavit of Desistance

Authority to Sell

Contract to Sell

Chattel Mortgage

Contract of Lease

Deed of Assignment

Deed of Donation

Deed of Sale-Property

Deed of Sale-Vehicle

Earnest Money

Offer to Buy

Promissory Note


Renovation Contract

General Power of Atty

Special Power of Atty

Transfer of Rights

Last Will & Testament
You are free to reproduce, revise and use this form for individual use. However it is prudent to consult with a lawyer before entering into any agreement, executing any legal document or granting any authority.



        THIS IS TO AUTHORIZE (Name), of legal age, a resident of (Address) , to do and perform any and all of the following acts:

        (In case of a corporation, replace above with: THIS IS TO AUTHORIZE [Name of Corporation], a domestic corporation existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with principal office located at [Address], to do and perform the following acts:) 


TO SELL (or TO RENT OUT) my house and lot located at (Address), more particularly described as follows:


Block No. _________ Lot No. __________ Lot Area: __________ square meters

Transfer Certificate of Title No. __________


        That (Name /Corporation) shall receive a commission fee equivalent to FIVE (5%) PERCENT of the total selling price as stipulated in the Deed of Sale or Contract to Sell, payable upon the execution of the instrument.


        (In case of rent, replace above with: That (Name /Corporation) shall receive a commission fee equivalent to ONE MONTH RENT as stipulated in the Rental /Lease Contract, payable upon the execution of the instrument.


        In case of renewal of lease, (Name /Corporation) shall receive an equivalent of  ONE MONTH RENT for every year of lease as stipulated in the Rental /Lease Contract, payable upon the execution of the instrument.)

(Add terms as required)


        This exclusive (or Non-Exclusive) authority shall become ineffective only after 30 (60 or 90) days from receipt of either party of a written notice terminating such authority.





Signature Over Printed Name                


Name of Owner: _________________________________________

Spouse: _________________________________________________

Home Address: __________________________________________

Telephone Nos. __________________________________________

Office Address: __________________________________________

Telephone Nos. __________________________________________

Date: _______________________


Sample of Authority to Sell or Lease

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